I love Baguio!

I've been to Baguio several times before but my recent trip impressed upon me an I-love-Baguio-I-want-to-keep-coming-back-to-Baguio" type of feeling.

Perhaps it was being with family and friends. I was there with the B. family and all they did was reminisce about their childhood and visit all the places they frequented then.

We had lunch at the Baguio Country Club where I enjoyed some freshly made caesar salad and bought some banana bread. Now I know why the banana bread is a country club specialty- it's best for banana-haters who can only tolerate a hint of banana with the right sweetness and perfect moist. I'm now a banana convert.

Visiting the Baguio market just made me want to fast forward to retirement where I won't do anything but cook! Gosh, the freshest vegetables at bargain prices! Probably a dozen lettuce bulbs for only PhP50! Everthing was there, even crabs. And strawberries, oh strawberries!

I also met up with R. and at my request, took me to the Tam-awan Village. Since I've been to Ifugao before, I wan't impressed. The funny thing is, there was an artist in front creating a steel monument for the Baguio centennial celebrations come September. Well, we thought he was the artist. Maybe just a welder. Hahaha!

R. and I bid farewell when I met up with E. at the U.P. Baguio campus, and off we went to Camp John Hay.

I haven't been there before and just had to see it. After some photos, and laughing at the graves at the lost cemetery, we were off to Cafe Wills for some food and drinks. One thing I love about Baguio, is it's cafe culture. I like it that I can have great food and alcoholic drinks, practically anywhere, and anytime. Need not be at a bar late at night with loud music or our local version of a biergarten.

Time was running out and E. dropped me off at Rosebowl to have dinner with my family. Apparently, Rosebowl is another institution where oldtimers go.

I just love Baguio! Each place seems like a short ride away and there's so many places to see. And at some point, you can even view the South China Sea beyond the mountains.

I can't wait to come back!

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