Amazing (Race) Asia

I'm so happy that Amazing Race is on again because it is one of my favorite shows - one of the few I actually follow. I'm not too keen on supporting the Filipino pair  at all because I'm not fond of Tisha Silang. (I know it's arbitrary but I don't mind.)

So far though, the pair I look forward to winning is Ida and Tania from Malaysia. They just enjoy what they're doing. They laugh about shitty times and embrace the good times as if they deserve every bit of it anyway. Such good attitude.

Also, tonight, they're in Taiwan. For the past five years, I've been Eurocentric but not anymore. I've been following a show called Fun Taiwan on the Travel and Living Channel and it has greatly inspired me to love my own home - Manila, and discover its hidden gems. Or at least follow the rest of Manilenos who have already done so.

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