Hello December!

Since it's midnight and there's work tomorrow, this is a going to be quick and short. November was a blur. Had a chance to attend a conference in Jakarta and had luxurious accommodations at the Grand Hyatt. And the pampering didn't end there. I also hied off on a weekend in Legaspi and Cagraray Island in Bicol - Misibis Bay Raintree is just sublime. Perfect escape -- with yummy pili chocolate cake.

November was when Manny Pacquiao got his 7th boxing title and when Efren Penaflorida was named CNN Hero of the Year. Two reasons that make Filipinos proud. But in between there's this barbaric massacre in Maguindanao. So disappointing considering we have a vibrant democracy in an environment governed by the rule of law. And when December came in, the Little One declared Martial Law in Maguindanao. I can't believe the government is panicking over a clan. A clan! A family vs. Government?!?

15 days before Christmas. Much can change, hopefully, towards something merrier!

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