Kitchen Travel

I'm such an Asian Food Travel addict (Discovery Travel & Living on weekends, and Diane knows this!) that when I saw the trailer for French Food at Home, I was hooked. Key words: Kitchen Travel.
To be honest, I've only seen two episodes because most nights, I'm also watching my telenovelas. Haha! But since watching an episode one Saturday morning with mom, I knew I liked the show. I like the way the chef made fancy French stuff seem easy to prepare that in the end, you wish you had all the ingredients to try it yourself - regardless of whether you know how to cook or not. She made me want to do that with Turkish food but that was just a thought.
And tonight, I decided to google the show, and now I know the chef's name: Laura Calder. The more I learn about her, the more I'm falling and the more I'm getting excited! You see, I've been a secret admirer of Muccia Prada simply because she was a former communist and has a PhD in Political Science, and she put all of that behind her to be a fashion designer. I've got no secret fashion aspirations but as early as I knew I wanted to join the UN, I knew I wanted to cook, and be a chef.
The nerd and wanderer in me was delighted to find out she spent so much time studying, gallavanting and getting lost while loving food the whole time. Imagine, masters from London School of Economics and a dream to be a diplomat? The pillar behind politics, philosophy and economics of pol eco! She left her job, her fiance, and her life to study cooking.
I'm not yet in the dire situation of leaving everything behind but food, oh food! Time stops when it comes to food. :)
I'm still reading her blog, some articles and I leave you with some quotes that I absolutely like!
"So much in life seems permanent when we’re in the thick of it (our childhood homes, friendships, stages of our lives) that it can be a real shock when we realize that, in fact, nothing is forever – everything moves on."

"Big deal, you may say, but I think seemingly insignificant moves like this in life must be a sign of something deeper at work, no? Just like when people suddenly get transformative haircuts… I just got one of those too, actually, (not pictured here), so who knows what’s in the wind." "It made me consider how much lies dormant and ignored in the world until the right person comes along and breathes life into it. Like delicious forgotten recipes, like old toys locked in a trunk, like aspects of our personalities that hide in the shadows until someone comes along and shines a flashlight on them…"

"My resolutions are to be very loyal to yoga (not hard, because I’m addicted) and also to listen to my gut and trust it, always. " - I like this because I started my belly dancing and yoga bit at home but things got in the way and now, I stopped again.

The trick is to find the interesting people: that’s what makes any place come alive."
"As my instructor said the other day: "Generally, if something feels difficult, it's wrong, and what feels easy is right." Apply that little tip to work and relationships for a second… She's right."

"sometimes life steps in and forces our minds to change"

And my favorite because it's so timely:
"It never ceases to amaze me how the things we imagine to be permanent or certain in life never stay put or turn out as we expect."

There are still heaps of things I want to do before I make the big bold move; It just feels good to know that despite one's age, one can leave it all behind and pursue one's "dormant passions." :)

You can more from
here, here, and here. But this is the juiciest article of all: Laura talks about men and food. :)

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