What Matters

What's your criteria for a successful life? Some measure it in monetary terms, some in prestige, some in honor and integrity, others perhaps by being of service to others. Some by raising obedient and upright children. To each his own.

Today, I listened to an elderly Spaniard who just finished a European Union project overseas as a Team Leader. Of course, to become a team leader in a specific sector and country, one must have demonstrated decades of technical and management experience. He wanted to express his availability in case a project comes up. He said he wanted to make it clear he was not retiring. 

He was so humble. He didn't even mind getting sent to Afghanistan. Anywhere, even with -35C as long as it is not Syria. He said his wife will join him anywhere as long as it is not Syria. Their kids are all grown ups so he said what matters only is his wife. And his wife loves moving around, exploring cultures, meeting people. He said it was just perfect for his job. To stress the point further, he said: 

"If the wife (relationship) is ok, the project is ok. If not, the project is not."


I sat there awed by his candidness about what truly matters to him. He enjoys his work and has the full support of his wife who is so important to him. This afternoon, I had a firsthand glimpse of married life in development. 

Previously, I posted about work and life integration. It's a bit of a paradox but won't it be pure joy when one's personal and professional lives are in sync? 

In 2011, I received news that a dream that took 8 years to fulfill was finally going to happen. 2012 marked a critical year of change professionally and personally, and I am still grasping the new normal day by day. And 2013 brought the biggest blessing yet. I'm still savoring it that I do not have the words to express my gratitude. 

Sometime last year, I wrote general wishes and desire for actionable goals for the next phase of my life. I can't believe it's being answered one by one and quite soon. Now how to make it a reality (operational) is the next challenge. Whatever it is, I am following my bliss (to paraphrase Gloria Vanderbilt's advice), which is where my heart is. 

The picture above of the elderly couple was taken at Kemnade See, a lake in the vicinity of Bochum. It was my second weekend in Germany. The weather was nice, there was a fake beach by the lake, I was drinking and discussing reasons and goals with classmates - all of us like-minded individuals wanting to make a difference. Yet the final goal was still love life and family, wherever they will be.

I'm quite anxious and excited for my relationship (s) and my project (s) to grow together. The best is yet to come! Partnership is love. :)

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